
The Copenhagen Praxis.

Resilient, Productive Leadership.

Leadership. Productivity. Resilience.

Scientific. Universal. Personal.

An index over all articles and maxims is available at the bottom.

Now we are on YouTube

Published: 2025-01-12. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Practical Life Philosophy is the name of the channel of The Copenhagen Praxis on YouTube. All new content will be uploaded twice a week. If the content benefits you, then we will appreciate, if you would like, subscribe, share and comment.

Practical Life Philosophy – YouTube

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Is This Blog Dead?

Published: 2024-04-26. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

No, it is alive. It is just having a break. Since I am about to finish my upcoming book on human productivity, The Laws of Productivity. The blog will resume from where it stopped once the book has been finished. So, hasta la vista.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E08]

Published: 2024-04-19. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads himself and others towards a goal or many goals. Goals are multifaceted as life is. Goals can be within and outside a leader’s reach. Goals can be actual and future, important and unimportant, primary and secondary, real and imaginary. With the necessary means, a leader can reach his goals. How do you manage to have realistic goals that you can reach?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E07]

Published: 2024-04-12. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads through his behavior. A behavior has qualities as high-cost or low-cost, effective or ineffective, positive or negative, good or bad, among other qualities. Not every behavior leads to a desired outcome. To lead to a desired outcome requires one to understand one’s behavior as a leader. How do you understand your behavior when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E06]

Published: 2024-04-05. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in the moment where change happens every single moment. The past shapes the present moment. The present moment shapes the future. A leader leads in the moment by his perception of the past and the present. A leader leads for the future by his perception of the present and the future. How is your perception when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E05]

Published: 2024-03-29. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in a world where the effects of relationships create change in the world. When time passes, the world changes as a whole with its parts and their relationships with each other. A leader knows how to use the effects of relationships to create real change. How do you create change through the effects of relationships when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E04]

Published: 2024-03-22. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in a world where every relationship has an effect on all parts of the relationship. The effect of the relationship can be direct and indirect. The indirect is with an intermediary. The direct is without an intermediary. To work with a certain effect requires a leader to understand it. How do you understand the effects of relationships when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E03]

Published: 2024-03-15. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in a world where a human has a relationship to everyone else and everything else. Human relationships are dual. The first is a vertical relationship as a hierarchy. The second is a horizontal relationship as of equals. To develop a certain relationship requires one to understand it. How do you understand the dynamics of relationships when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E02]

Published: 2024-03-08. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in a world where a human has a position to everyone else and everything else. A single human being has as many positions as there are humans as well as things. When time passes, the positions change. To lead to the better position requires one to understand all positions. How do you understand the many positions of the human when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S02:E01]

Published: 2024-03-01. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads his fellow humans with other humans. To lead others with the others requires one to understand the others as well as one’s own self with their complex natures. With this understanding, a leader knows what to do when and where as well as why and how. How do you understand the complex nature of the others and the self when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E08]

Published: 2024-02-23. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader knows that every time and every space have unique potentials. No two times with their spaces will ever have the same potentials. The leader who wants to use the potentials of time and space needs to understand the unique potentials that only exist in certain times and certain spaces. How do you use the unique potentials of your time and its spaces as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E07]

Published: 2024-02-16. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in all spaces of his life. A life has as a minimum two distinct spaces. The first space is the outer while the second is the inner. Each space influences its own space as well as the other space. The leader who wants to master his leadership needs to understand all his spaces with their influences. How do you understand your two spaces with their influences as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E06]

Published: 2024-02-09. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader leads in real time, therefore a leader needs to understand his time. A single time encompasses many trends, where every single trend has its own time. The leader who wants to master his leadership needs to understand the trends of the times and the times of trends. How do you understand the trends of the times and the times of trends when you lead as a leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E05]

Published: 2024-02-02. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader is never without a daily praxis for one’s daily leadership. A daily praxis leads to mastery of one’s leadership. A daily praxis consists of planning, leadership, and evaluation with the concepts of time, energy, and activity. A daily praxis ensures that you lead daily as you want to. With a daily praxis everything is done intentionally. How do you lead with your daily praxis?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E04]

Published: 2024-01-26. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader is never without an explicit philosophy, which enlightens one’s way, when it is known as well as unknown. An explicit philosophy of one’s leadership is always verbalized with protocols, parameters, principles, positions, processes, among others. A philosophy informs one what to do when, where, how, and why. How do you lead with your explicit philosophy?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E03]

Published: 2024-01-19. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

A leader is a leader in all spheres of life. The real leadership encompasses all spheres of human life, that is the personal, private, professional, and public spheres. The personal sphere is about you, the private is about your family and friends, the professional is about your occupation, and the public is about your environment. How do you do in all your spheres as a real leader?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E02]

Published: 2024-01-12. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Every single person is a leader. Some have the title of leader, while others do not. Some leaders soar in their leadership, while others do not. To soar in leadership requires you to have two wings. The first wing is a philosophy while the other is a praxis. Without both wings you cannot soar in your leadership. How do you soar as your own leader in your daily leadership?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Agenda 2024: Leadership [S01:E01]

Published: 2024-01-05. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Your leadership is about your execution, that is how you execute every day as a leader. Your leadership is definitely excellent if your execution is excellent. And vice versa. To understand your leadership, you have to understand your execution in regard to yourself, your fellow humans, and your environment. How do you understand your leadership and execution?

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024

Published: 2024-01-01. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024 is definitely not a program for your new year’s resolutions.

It is rather a yearly program for your solutions to your problems with leadership, productivity, and resilience.

Once a week you will read a short insight in the coming 52 weeks on how you can enhance your leadership, productivity, and resilience.

Your leadership is about your execution, your productivity is about how you create value, and your resilience is about how you maintain your balance.

And best of all it is absolutely free. So, follow me on this page, so that you can be better in leadership, productivity, and resilience in 2024.

Weeks 01-08: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Leadership: Season 01: Episodes 01-08.

Weeks 09-16: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Leadership: Season 02: Episodes 01-08.

Weeks 17-24: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Productivity: Season 01: Episodes 01-08.

Weeks 25-32: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Productivity: Season 02: Episodes 01-08.

Weeks 33-40: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Resilience: Season 01: Episodes 01-08.

Weeks 41-48: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Resilience: Season 02: Episodes 01-08.

Weeks 49-52: The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Bonus.

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E08]

Published: 2023-12-25. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: What is a praxis?
Mentor: A praxis is that
which has a beginning,
a middle and an end
that is repeated
again and again.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E07]

Published: 2023-12-18. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: Can every person
master their productivity?
Mentor: Yes, if a person has a praxis
that is practiced every single day.
If not, then not.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E06]

Published: 2023-12-11. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: Can every person develop their productivity?
Mentor: Every person can develop their productivity,
if they possess two human traits:
Humility and love of learning.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E05]

Published: 2023-12-04. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: How can a person
master their daily productivity?
Mentor: By following a specific person
who already has mastered productivity.
If not, then not.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E04]

Published: 2023-11-27. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: Can a person
master his productivity
all by himself?
Mentor: Yes, if he sees himself
including all his blind spots.
If not, then not.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E03]

Published: 2023-11-20. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: Describe productivity to me.
Mentor: Productivity is the process
behind every apparent process
that creates real value.
If that process is excellent,
then productivity is also excellent.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E02]

Published: 2023-11-13. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: What is the nature of productivity?
Mentor: Productivity is threefold:
An explicit philosophy for all mankind.
A general policy for the organization.
A specific praxis for the person.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Produktivitetens to valutaer: Tid og energi

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E08].

Publiceret: 2023-11-10. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Hvordan omsætter I produktivitetens to valutaer til reel værdi?

Er du i København eller New York, bruger du henholdsvis kroner og ører eller dollars og cents som den lokale valuta.

Er du på en arbejdsplads bruger du de universelle valutaer, som er tid og energi, som for arbejdsgiveren og arbejdstageren henholdsvis er lig med produktivitet og løn.

Tid og energi (den menneskelige energi) er to resurser med forskellige kvaliteter, hvor kvaliteterne kan beskrives med forskellige begreber som konstant, variabel, fornyelig, ufornyelig, begrænset, ubegrænset, effektiv, ineffektiv blandt andet.

Ønsker man at skabe reel værdi dag efter dag uden daglige komplikationer, forudsætter det, at man forstår produktivitetens to valutaer med deres kvaliteter og kvaliteternes indflydelse. Hvordan forstår I tid og energi, når I omsætter tid og energi til reel værdi?

Problemet med kunsten at være produktiv

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E07].

Publiceret: 2023-11-08. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

I ønsker at være produktive, men forstår I produktivitetens kunst?

Alle arbejdspladser ønsker at skabe værdi via deres produktivitet, hvor en indsats giver et udbytte. Hvis man forstår produktiviteten, så må det betyde, at man kan beskrive produktiviteten som en disciplin.

Har man forstået produktiviteten, kan man beskrive den. Kan man ikke beskrive den, har man ikke forstået den, hvorfor man ikke kan være produktiv dag efter dag uden daglige komplikationer.

Den simple beskrivelse af produktiviteten er, at en indsats giver et udbytte. Den simple beskrivelse er årsag til en del komplikationer i form af resursespild, ineffektivitet, stress blandt meget andet.

Den uddybende beskrivelse af produktivitetens kunst beskriver den med dens præmisser, principper, parametre, praksisser blandt andet. Den uddybende beskrivelse løser produktivitetens komplikationer, før de opstår. Hvordan beskriver I kunsten at være produktiv?

The Mastering Mentee [S01:E01]

Published: 2023-11-06. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Mentee: What is productivity?
Mentor: Productivity is the ability
to create real value
with knowledge and action,
where specific efforts
give specific outcomes.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Produktiviteten forbliver lav, hvis CPO’en mangler

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E06].

Publiceret: 2023-11-02. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Har I set den blinde vinkel mht. den daglige produktivitet?

I har en CEO, der leder jer strategisk. I har en COO, der leder jer operationelt. I har en CFO, der leder jer finansielt. Men har I en CPO, en Chief Productivity Operator, der leder jer produktivitetsmæssigt?

En CPO leder den daglige produktivitet via uddannelse og supervision. En CPO opbygger den produktive arbejdsplads en leder ad gangen og en medarbejder ad gangen. En CPO forebygger dårligdomme, før de påvirker den daglige produktivitet.

En CPO forstår produktivitetens kunst som en filosofi og en praksis. En CPO er lige så vigtig som en CEO, COO og CFO, fordi denne understøtter deres fælles arbejde. En CPO har fingeren på pulsen hele tiden, hvad angår den daglige menneskelige produktivitet.

Hvad er prisen for en arbejdsplads, hvis dens leders og medarbejders produktivitet og heri trivsel ikke ledes af en CPO?

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E08]

Published: 2023-11-02. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

To be productive,
it is necessary
to understand productivity.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Pomodoro og salami løser ikke alle produktivitetens udfordringer

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E05].

Publiceret: 2023-10-31. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Bruger I tomater og pølser som universalmidler?

Produktivitet har udfordringer, som skal løses, hvis man ønsker at være produktiv. Har man tids- og omfangsmæssige udfordringer, så virker henholdsvis pomodoro-teknikken og salami-taktikken for den person eller den arbejdsplads, som ikke tidligere har brugt dem.

Tid og omfang er to aspekter af alle aspekterne, der vedrører produktivitet. Hvis man tror, at disse to kan løse udfordringerne vedrørende ens produktivitet, så har man misforstået kunsten at være produktiv.

Den menneskelige produktivitet har menneskelige udfordringer, hvorfor deres løsninger også er menneskelige. En korrekt forståelse af produktivitetens kunst heri menneskets kreativitet til at løse produktivitetens utallige udfordringer er vejen frem. Hvor står I?

Mastering Productivity

Productivity 101 [S02:E08].

Published: 2023-10-30. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Those who practice will eventually master. Productivity is not any different because productivity is a discipline just like any other discipline.

To master a discipline, you must go through different stages.

The first stage is when you do something where you can succeed and very well fail.

The second stage is when you must learn when you failed at doing something.

The third stage is when you master something because you did something, failed at doing it and learned from failing.

To master a discipline, you must go through the three mentioned stages.

The three stages are a framework, where every single stage has its own relevance.

Every single stage has its time where it is practiced. Only those who practice daily are those who master daily.

Når summen er større end delene

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E04].

Publiceret: 2023-10-26. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Har I styrket det svageste led for at være den stærkeste del?

Den robuste arbejdsplads er summen af alle ansattes robusthed. Den produktive arbejdsplads er en arbejdsplads, der er robust med robuste ansatte, omend de er ledere eller medarbejdere.

De produktive ledere og medarbejdere er kun produktive og robuste, fordi de forstår kunsten at være produktive og robuste. Disse ledere og medarbejdere har en værktøjskasse, som de forstår at bruge for at mestre deres produktivitet og robusthed.

Hvad er prisen for en arbejdsplads, hvis dens ledere og dens medarbejdere ikke har en værktøjskasse, som de kan bruge for at mestre deres produktivitet og robusthed?

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E07]

Published: 2023-10-26. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Praxis is the servant
and value the king.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Når problemet koster mere end løsningen

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E03].

Publiceret: 2023-10-24. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Hvad gør I, når løsningen er billigere end problemet?

Produktivitet er det, der skaber værdi, hvor produktiviteten også har en pris. Produktivitet har en timepris for en enkelt medarbejder, og hvis denne time ikke skaber reel værdi, så har denne time en målbar økonomisk pris.

Hvis en medarbejder har en time, der er uproduktiv hver eneste dag, hvad er så den målbare pris for denne medarbejder for en uge, en måned og et år?

Hvad er prisen for en arbejdsplads, hvis alle ledere som alle medarbejdere har en time, der er uproduktiv hver eneste dag i løbet af et helt år? Hvad er prisen, hvis det er flere timer dagligt?

Leading Productivity [S02:E07]

Productivity 101 [S02:E07].

Published: 2023-10-23. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Life consists of opposites that complement each other. If you do not lead, then you will be led.

Leadership is about visions, goals, obstacles, resources, time, energy, efforts, and outcomes among other things.

Productivity is a goal that requires your leadership. When life stands in your way, then you must lead yourself so that you can reach your goal.

To be productive every single day is a choice where you decide if you are going to lead or to follow someone else’s lead.

To lead one’s productivity means to lead oneself through or around obstacles in one’s life while being productive.

To lead one’s productivity means to use time and energy in a way that utilize them effectively. Leadership is about leading one’s resources.

Er I verdensmestre i produktivitet og trivsel?

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E02].

Publiceret: 2023-10-19. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Ønsker I, at jeres ledere og medarbejdere mestrer deres daglige produktivitet og daglige trivsel på samme tid?

Nogle arbejdspladser har målsætningen, at deres ledere og medarbejdere er verdensmestre i produktivitet og trivsel. At have et mål er en ting og at nå målet er noget andet.

Et fodboldhold, der ønsker at blive verdensmester, har brug for tre ting. Den første ting er den viden, som en verdensmester skal vide. Den anden ting er den handling, som en verdensmester skal efterleve. Den tredje ting er den træner, som en verdensmester skal trænes af.

Ved I, hvordan I bliver verdensmestre i produktivitet og trivsel? Eller tror I, at I er verdensmestre nu eller bliver det en dag?

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E06]

Published: 2023-10-19. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is the servant
and praxis the king.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Hvordan udvikler I produktiviteten og trivslen?

Produktive Paradigmer [S01:E01].

Publiceret: 2023-10-17. Af Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Ønsker I at udvikle jeres lederes og medarbejderes daglige produktivitet og trivsel på samme tid via viden og innovation?

Nogle arbejdspladser prøver på at øge deres produktivitet og trivsel via bordfodbold, bordtennis og Playstation.

Andre arbejdspladser prøver på at gøre det samme med lignende tiltag. Alle disse tiltag er kortsigtede og overfladiske.

Den menneskelig produktivitet som den menneskelige trivsel har menneskelige udfordringer, hvorfor de kræver menneskelige løsninger, der er langsigtede og dybdegående.

Planning Productivity

Productivity 101 [S02:E06].

Published: 2023-10-16. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Life has infinite possibilities while resources are finite. So how do you go about regarding your productivity?

To act without any consideration means to exhaust finite resources.

To act with consideration is to plan what you do, when, where and how.

Planning has three kinds amongst many other kinds.

The first is the actual planning, which is regarding the daily productivity.

The second is the shortsighted planning, which is regarding the weekly productivity.

The third is the longsighted planning, which is regarding the monthly productivity.

When you plan your daily productivity, you already know what to do when the time comes. So, you do not waste your finite resources.

To be productive every single day requires you to plan your productivity every single day.

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E05]

Published: 2023-10-12. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity has a rhythm
like one’s life itself.
If productivity is broken,
then life is broken.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

What Causes Productivity?

Productivity 101 [S02:E05].

Published: 2023-10-09. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

To understand what causes productivity require you to understand the nature of productivity.

Productivity is the quality or state of being productive that is being what yields results, benefits, or profits.

Productivity is an activity, but every activity is not productivity. So which activity cause real productivity?

Productivity can be classified into three categories amongst other categories, the direct activity, the indirect activity, and the unnecessary activity.

The direct activity is the activity that causes productivity directly by itself.

The indirect activity is the activity that causes productivity indirectly by supporting the direct activity.

The unnecessary activity is the activity that does not cause productivity whether it is directly or indirectly.

To be productive requires that you fully understand which activity causes productivity. Failing to understand productivity means not being productive.

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E04]

Published: 2023-10-05. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity has a rhythm
like the human heart.
The pressure goes up
if it is disturbed.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

What Fuels Productivity?

Productivity 101 [S02:E04].

Published: 2023-10-02. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is an end that has some means, where the end cannot be reached without its means.

Productivity is fueled by energy and human energy fuels human productivity.

The human energy is a resource that changes as time goes by. In other words, human energy is not a stable resource because it changes as time passes.

The human energy can be classified with different qualities where it can be low, medium, and high as well as stable and unstable amongst other qualities.

The human energy is a resource that is renewable but how do you renew your renewable resource when you want to be productive?

To be productive requires that you renew your energy. To renew your energy requires that you understand your human energy.

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E03]

Published: 2023-09-28. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Refining the process is
to refine the productivity.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Finding Time for Productivity

Productivity 101 [S02:E03].

Published: 2023-09-25. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Life has requirements that life cannot do without. If only one requirement is missing, then life will not function well.

Productivity is like life. If only one requirement is missing, then productivity will not function well.

Time is an essential requirement that productivity can not be without. So, understanding time is essential.

Time is what passes and makes life go. Without time, life is not possible. So, without time productivity is not possible.

Time as a word is a noun in the singular, but it encompasses meanings in the plural.

Time has qualities that increase productivity or decrease it. So, finding the right time for productivity is essential.

To be productive every single day means that you understand time and its significance on your daily productivity.

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E02]

Published: 2023-09-21. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

There is a process
behind the apparent process,
if that is excellent,
then productivity is excellent.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Praxis or Non-praxis

Productivity 101 [S02:E02].

Published: 2023-09-18. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

How do you go about in your daily life? Do you act randomly or do you act purposefully when you do something old or something new?

If you act randomly, then you are acting without a praxis. And if you act purposefully, then you are acting with a praxis.

A praxis is an action or a practice that is customary which can be based on a theory.

A praxis is a cycle that repeats itself again and again. With repetition and experience, you can develop your praxis.

When you have a praxis in your work life, then you do not reinvent the wheel every single day you want to be productive.

Your praxis ensures that you are productive every single day. Your praxis ensures that you create value every single day.

The Master’s Maxims [S02:E01]

Published: 2023-09-14. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is a process,
that creates a product.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Performance or Productive Performance

Productivity 101 [S02:E01].

Published: 2023-09-11. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Not every performance leads to productivity. A performance needs to be qualified so that it can be productive. Hence it is called productive performance.

A productive performance does not happen by itself. A productive performance is the result of the use of a specific set of parameters that are used to be productive.

In reality, every person and every organization are already using these parameters of productivity in some measure. What is missing is the quantity and quality of the parameters of productivity in their right measure.

Performance becomes productive performance when the parameters of productivity are adjusted according to the right measure. This measure is decided by the context of the person or the organization and The Copenhagen Praxis.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E08]

Published: 2023-09-07. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Learning to be productive
is the primary means
to sustain one’s life.
If not, then not.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Productivity Game Changer [S01:E08]

Productivity 101 [S01:E08].

Published: 2023-09-04. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is what creates real value. So how does a person or an organization create real value?

A person or an organization is already working with the parameters that make up productivity, but it does not always create real value as they want. What is the solution?

The solution is to work with the same parameters of productivity in a new way that follows an approach that is scientific, universal, and personal where the parameters are the same, but the quality and quantity are different.

When one parameter is optimized at a time then a person or an organization can create a praxis for one’s productivity thereby create more value by being more productive.

This is the productivity game changer. It is scientific, universal, and personal. It is known as The Copenhagen Praxis.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E07]

Published: 2023-08-31. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Learning productivity is essential.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Standards of Productivity [S01:E07]

Productivity 101 [S01:E07].

Published: 2023-08-28. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is a goal that every single person and every single organization wants to reach. But can productivity be reached if it is not described?

To describe productivity is to set its standards in words that are its level regarding its quantity, quality, resources, knowledge, and actions to reach it among other things.

A standard describes the reality as it is with all that is explicitly and implicitly connected to it. But what if a person or an organization is blind to its reality.

Then, the person or the organization needs someone who can see and tell one what is not seen.

To help oneself one needs help from some other. Only then can the person or the organization set the standards that will make it productive every single day.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E06]

Published: 2023-08-24. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is an art,
that everyone can learn.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Being Productive

Productivity 101 [S01:E06].

Published: 2023-08-21. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Every single person and every single organization can be productive every single day. How?

By learning the art of productivity. To learn the art of productivity is the first step of two steps. The second step is to practice the art of productivity.

To learn the art of productivity is equal for every single person and every single organization, but to practice the art of productivity is different for every single person and every single organization. Why?

Because every single person and every single organization has different strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and experiences that require them to practice the art of productivity in an individual way.

Not one size fits every single person and every single organization when one wants to be productive every single day.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E05]

Published: 2023-08-17. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is a process
that is deeply ingrained
in a person’s praxis.
If not, then not.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Being Unproductive

Productivity 101 [S01:E05].

Published: 2023-08-14. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

To be unproductive is much easier than being productive. Why?

Because productivity is an art that a person or an organization must learn before they can be productive.

Productivity has a nomenclature that describes the art of productivity. Not knowing the nomenclature results in being unproductive.

Every person and every organization work with three essential realities: time, energy, and activity. These words are nouns in the singular, but they cover realities that are in the plural.

Time is not one kind. Time has many kinds, and every time has its own significance for one’s daily productivity.

The same realities exist for the nomenclatures of energy and activity from among other nomenclatures of productivity. By knowing the nomenclature, one becomes productive.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E04]

Published: 2023-08-10. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Being productive equals life.
Being unproductive equals death.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Price of Productivity

Productivity 101 [S01:E04].

Published: 2023-08-07. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity that creates real value has a price for a person or an organization. Do you know the real price of productivity that creates real value?

If one pays the real price, one gets the real value that one wants by ones productivity. If not, then not. So, what is the real price of productivity that creates real value?

Whether it is a person or an organization three essential parameters are key to the productivity that creates real value.

Time, energy, and activity make up a triad that is essential to the art of productivity that creates real value.

If the implication of this triad is understood and practiced by a person or an organization, then the productivity that creates real value is possible every single day.

This is the real price of productivity that creates real value.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E03]

Published: 2023-08-03. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Value is the essence
of one’s daily productivity.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

The Value of Productivity

Productivity 101 [S01:E03].

Published: 2023-07-31. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

What is the goal of productivity?

The goal of productivity is to create real value, that is its outcome, by using one’s ability, knowledge, action, and effort.

The question is, is every person and every organization productive every single day?

The answer is a simple no. Every person and every organization have efforts that do not create real value.

In reality, there are two kinds of productivity. One kind creates real value and the other does not create real value. This is a problem. Why?

Because resources are spent every time a person or an organization makes an effort in the name of productivity, that sometimes do not create real value.

An effort is needed to secure finite resources, to create real value every day.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E02]

Published: 2023-08-27. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is that,
which creates value.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Defining Productivity

Productivity 101 [S01:E02].

Published: 2023-07-24. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

One’s daily productivity is not something random. It is something specific. So, what are the specifics of one’s daily productivity?

Productivity has many specifics or parameters. Some are known while others are unknown by many people.

The best way to understand the parameters of productivity is to understand the definition of productivity. There are as many definitions of productivity as there are people.

The following definition of productivity is general, but it can be applied specifically to every person or every organization.

Productivity is the ability to create real value with knowledge and action where specific efforts give specific outcomes.

The parameters for one’s daily productivity are ability, value, knowledge, action, efforts, and outcomes. From these general parameters other specific parameters branches out.

The Master’s Maxims [S01:E01]

Published: 2023-07-20. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is threefold:
An explicit philosophy
for all mankind.
A general policy
for the organization.
A specific praxis
for the person.

By Master Coach Usman Akbar

Productivity 101

Productivity 101 [S01:E01].

Published: 2023-07-17. By Master Coach Usman Akbar.

Productivity is important. Why?

The daily productivity is for the person or the organization what water is for the fish. A fish without water means death for the fish.

So, the person or the organization without productivity also means death of the person or the organization. Productivity is what makes the person or the organization fall or stand.

Productivity is essential, and productivity has some essentials. To be productive daily, it is necessary to know the essentials of productivity.

After knowing the essentials of productivity, it is necessary to practice the essentials of productivity.

So, join me in this series about productivity. We will unravel the essentials of productivity through the manifesto, equation, art, and science of productivity so that you can be more productive on a daily basis.

Index over articles and maxims

Find an article or a maxim by copying its title and use the “find” tool in your browser.

Productivity 101. Season 01. Episodes 01-08.

2023-07-17. Productivity 101 [S01:E01].

2023-07-24. Defining Productivity [S01:E02].

2023-07-31. The Value of Productivity [S01:E03].

2023-08-07. The Price of Productivity [S01:E04].

2023-08-14. Being Unproductive [S01:E05].

2023-08-21. Being Productive [S01:E06].

2023-08-28. Standards of Productivity [S01:E07].

2023-09-04. The Productivity Game Changer [S01:E08].

Productivity 101. Season 02. Episodes 01-08.

2023-09-11. Performance or Productive Performance [S02:E01].

2023-09-18. Praxis or Non-praxis [S02:E02].

2023-09-25. Finding Time for Productivity [S02:E03].

2023-10-02. What Fuels Productivity? [S02:E04].

2023-10-09. What Causes Productivity? [S02:E05].

2023-10-16. Planning Productivity [S02:E06].

2023-10-23. Leading Productivity [S02:E07].

2023-10-30. Mastering Productivity [S02:E08].

Produktive Paradigmer. Sæson 01. Episode 01-08.

2023-10-17. Hvordan udvikler I produktiviteten og trivslen? [S01:E01].

2023-10-19. Er I verdensmestre i produktivitet og trivsel? [S01:E02].

2023-10-24. Når problemet koster mere end løsningen [S01:E03].

2023-10-26. Når summen er større end delene [S01:E04].

2023-10-31. Pomodoro og salami løser ikke alle produktivitetens udfordringer [S01:E05].

2023-11-02. Produktiviteten forbliver lav, hvis CPO’en mangler [S01:E06].

2023-11-08. Problemet med kunsten at være produktiv [S01:E07].

2023-11-10. Produktivitetens to valutaer: Tid og energi [S01:E08].

The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Leadership. Season 01. Episodes 01-08.

2024-01-05. Leadership is about execution [S01:E01].

2024-01-12. Everyone is a leader [S01:E02].

2024-01-19. Real leadership is universal [S01:E03].

2024-01-26. Leadership requires a philosophy [S01:E04].

2024-02-02. Leadership requires a praxis [S01:E05].

2024-02-09. Leaders understand their times [S01:E06].

2024-02-16. Leaders understand their spaces [S01:E07].

2024-02-23. Leaders understand their potentials [S01:E08].

The Copenhagen Praxis: Agenda 2024: Leadership. Season 02. Episodes 01-08.

2024-03-01. Leaders understand other humans [S02:E01].

2024-03-08. Leaders understand every position [S02:E02].

2024-03-15. Leaders understand every relationship [S02:E03].

2024-03-22. Leaders understand every effect [S02:E04].

2024-03-29. Leadership is about change [S02:E05].

2024-04-05. Leadership is about perception [S02:E06].

2024-04-12. Leadership is about behaviour [S02:E07].

2024-04-19. Leaders have realistic goals [S02:E08].

The Mastering Mentee. Season 01. Episodes 01-08.

2023-11-06. What is productivity? [S01:E01].

2023-11-13. What is the nature of productivity? [S01:E02].

2023-11-20. Describe productivity to me [S01:E03].

2023-11-27. Can a person [S01:E04].

2023-12-04. How can a person [S01:E05].

2023-12-11. Can every person develop their productivity? [S01:E06].

2023-12-18. Can every person master their productivity? [S01:E07].

2023-12-25. What is a praxis? [S01:E08].

The Master’s Maxims. Season 01. Episodes 01-08.

2023-07-20. Productivity is threefold [S01:E01].

2023-07-27. Productivity is that [S01:E02].

2023-08-03. Value is the essence [S01:E03].

2023-08-10. Being productive equals life [S01:E04].

2023-08-17. Productivity is a process [S01:E05].

2023-08-24. Productivity is an art [S01:E06].

2023-08-31. Learning productivity is essential [S01:E07].

2023-09-07. Learning to be productive [S01:E08].

The Master’s Maxims. Season 02. Episodes 01-08.

2023-09-14. Productivity is a process [S02:E01].

2023-09-21. There is a process [S02:E02].

2023-09-28. Refining the process is [S02:E03].

2023-10-05. Productivity has a rhythm [S02:E04].

2023-10-12. Productivity has a rhythm [S02:E05].

2023-10-19. Productivity is the servant [S02:E06].

2023-10-26. Praxis is the servant [S02:E07].

2023-11-02. To be productive [S02:E08].